When it comes to the music, Savage Radio is on a mission to bring you a great mix of classic favorites, deep album cuts and the best new rock. Over the past couple of decades traditional rock radio has become boring and predictable. Every time you turn on your local station they seem to play the same songs over and over from a playlist that consists of just a few hundred songs at best. The stations care more about being familiar and pleasing advertisers than the listeners and the music itself. That being said, many people who grew up with classic rock are perfectly content with the formula. I love all those great rock tunes of the past as much as anyone, but I have never understood someone only listening to the old and never wanting to hear anything new. They always want to see a new movie, eat at a new restaurant, visit a new destination but are never open to new music. What’s interesting is that allot of classic artists release new music and the stations will not play it so many people will never hear it. They do this because they are in a rock format niche and they afraid that if they stray from the formula revenue will go down. It’s true that money from advertising is the only way a radio station survives. I believe that with the right mix of music and promotion a station can have success regardless. Even so, up to this point Savage Radio is privately funded and has no budget for promotion. The station currently stays alive out of the love and passion for the music.

      Savage Radio is a hard rock based station with over 4,000 songs from more than 900 artists on the playlist. It really is all about the music. The roster includes major classics and deeper album tracks from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s including even a few from the late 60’s. In addition there is an equal amount of newer music from the 2000’s and 2010’s as well as today’s best rock. Everything is brought together to create the unique mix that is Savage Radio. There is so much great new music out there created by so many amazing and talented people. So much of it is released and never heard. Savage Radio is committed to finding the best rock on the planet and bringing it to you. From the big name bands to lesser known undiscovered artists, if the music is good and it rocks then it will get airplay. There is still so much life left in rock n’ roll and this is truly an exciting time for music. Join Savage Radio in our Rock Revolution.

      Crank it up and thanks for listening!

      FRED – Station Master